DJ Snake and Lil
John's song has
very few lyrics.
However, it appears
to be quite apt for
the state of the
US in which I find
myself - confused.
Turnt Up means you
get drunk/have fun
and don't have a
care in the world.
One would think that Turn down means you get serious and get ready
to deal with the the big stuff in life. But, these guys are saying - turn
down for what? Indeed, right? The lyrics consist of this phrase on
repeat with a kickass beat, interspersed with a few lines letting you
know that the singer is dealing with rounds of gunfire.
But, NOPE.. It also means party, and the shots they speak of are of
course, drinks. SO, in 2013, when the song came out, they were
releasing a party song, encouraging. you to keep on drinking and
party. Keep that music up, turn it down for no reason, and party on.
Now, the reason this is so apt for me is our current political landscape
leaves me with those feelings every other day. One day, I think I
ought to keep on keeping on while I can (party). The next, I hear
Trump/Vance say something ignorant, and I realize I should stick with
my over-analysis of words and stick with my mis-interpretation. I
have to get serious, fight, get ready to mobilize and do what I can to
prevent Project 2025 and fascism to take over my country.
Then, I realize I'm writing a blog entry and doing "Deep Thoughts by
Jack Handy" over a Lil John song, and I'm kinda laughing at myself.
But, it's in times like these, when we have a female of color running
for president, and that's the part of her that is being talked about,
not her record, her accomplishments, and her abilities. It's when we
have an orange human being who has indicated you'll never have to
vote again if he's elected. It's when you have a multiple-felon
running for president as the Republican candidate who allowed our
Capitol to be stormed and thought it was funny (laughing in his tent
as he watched)... It is when you have the orange man speaking at an
event telling the "good Christians" he will protect them - THE
MAJORITY - and that there are several ways to say Kamala Harris's
just have to stand up, turn down, turn up, or turn around, and say
to my friends, family, and whomever, enough is enough.
There are no Marxists or Socialists running for president in the US,
despite what the Orange guy tries to tell you. Please educate
yourself on the difference between Democracy vs. Marxism and
capitalism vs. socialism. There are governmental mechanisms and
economic mechanisms. MOREOVER, many of the strongest
denouncers of socialist principles (to me from a lack of understanding)
are those who reap the benefits - Medicare/aid recipients,
Social Security Recipients, etc. These are socialist programs, in case
you didn't know it. There is nothing wrong with some ideas for
social safety nets. They end up costing you less. The problem is, the
socialist/marxist dictatorships that were in existence that made us
afraid are the very ones Orange Dude loves - Russia, China, Cuba..
Let's all take some time to reflect. Let's figure out if we want our
sisters, moms, aunts, friends, to have the right to healthcare and
decision making about their bodies. It's not just abortion, it's
pregnancy and female reproductive healthcare. Let's figure out if
you want to retain a democracy. For all the jabs Orange Dude takes,
he continues, as does his VP choice, to tell you exactly what he wants
to do, which is be a dictator. Turn down, up, or around. and take a